Passion-fuelled news crafted for a new age of enthusiasts.

Layout Design | Typography | Motion Design

Every year, Porsche produces an immense amount of output, from launching new car models and motorsport events to releasing new equipment and accessories. Even for the most dedicated fan, it can be impossible to keep up with every detail. The solution? An editorial-style online magazine covering the most recent information fans are eager to learn more about.

  • When Porsche updated their visual direction in 2023, they asked me and my team to do the same for their online magazine. This process began with finding the limits the client felt comfortable with, then pushing those boundaries to exciting places, allowing us to create something which feels on-brand, yet distinct.

  • Porsche News Updates are formed using multiple articles, with each article comprising of up to 5 subjects. Because of this, a simple system in which it was easy to know where you are when reading was introduced. Each article has an opening title page and standard type-based pages interspersed with section pages. This layout construction keeps the subject of the article at the forefront, whilst still making every page visually engaging.

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