Shave money. Grow confidence.
Visual Identity | Packaging | Motion Design
Shaving has the power to help anyone feel confident in their skin, but when you’re just starting to learn how to wield a razor, the typical approach from companies is on safety. Whilst this is important, it leaves out how a fresh shave can make you feel. This is where Trim comes in, a shaving brand built on the feeling of the shave, allowing young people to grow their confidence at an affordable price.
The simple yet elegant use of the “T” letterform creates a visual double entendre, forming a sense that the brand isn’t being dumbed down for shaving newcomers, treating them like adults through the visual language itself. Having the dual meaning represent the brand name and the subject makes either of these ideas extremely easy to pick up and understand.
The bold use of the gradient orange against the soft yellow portrays the ideology that shaving is not just for men. Not having a gender-specific colour pallet gives credence to Trims ethos of helping any young shaver.
When the form and ideologies of the logo come together through the double meanings, colour pallet and aesthetics, a focus is placed on feeling positive, not just being told to feel positive.
To grow Trim into more than a logo, I created multiple forms of packaging designed to highlight the shave's positive feeling.
The mailing box keeps the natural cardboard material at the forefront, only using the orange tone to move the eye from the outside to the inside of the box, complimented by the logo and slogan which is centred around becoming more confident with the contents of the box.
With the shaving foam and face cream, the icons form a warm tone behind the product name, which is aided by the main yellow tone to keep positivity centre stage. This is further enhanced by the minimal design approach, focusing on feeling positive rather than explicitly telling people to feel good, the same ideology used to create the logo.